What are Transactional SMS?

Transactional SMS are basically informational SMS that are helpful for targeting the correct set of audience at the proper time. These differ from promotional SMS in the sense that they do not contain information about deals, discounts etc. but rather have important information such as account notifications, password reset links etc. These need to be accurate and price with regards to the quantity and quality of information they provide. The biggest plus point of transactional bulk SMS is that they are affordable and can be delivered to the required recipients 24x7 with your sender ID.

What all can transactional SMS be used for?

Transactional SMS can be used by companies or organizations for sending certain Informative or Alert messages to public. For instance, Railways can employ transactional SMS alerts for sending PNR status, tickets etc.

Financial institutions, such as banks can notify people about transactions, account balance, OTPs etc.

Educational institutions like: schools, colleges etc. may utilize transactional messaging services for delivering important information and notifications to students and parents.

Broadly, we can say there are these following types of transactional SMS:

●    Educational SMS like: meetings, fee updates etc.

●    SMS regarding critical financial information, such as: debit, credit in account.

●    OTP SMS: One time passwords etc.

●    E commerce SMS:  order confirmation, tracking of order, expected delivery, delivery status, order cancellation etc.

●    Booking/ cancellation information of tickets, hotel rooms etc.

●    Sending out any updates regarding prices to your retailers for better engaging them and increasing conversion.

Transactional SMS Service Provider is based on:

The layout of Transactional SMS is based on certain pre-defined templates or custom-created templates for you. Any number of such templates can be created. You just need to seek permission from your SMS provider and then, you can get started.

Why are transactional SMS gateways superior over regular SMS?

●    Through transactional SMS gateways, you will be able to send messages to even the DND numbers

●    These are more useful for delivering urgent information to your customers/clients such as: unauthorized account login, password change etc.

●    The Promotional SMS can be sent out only at certain timings. Transactional SMS do not have any such time constraint. These can be delivered at around the clock, 24 * 7.

●    Most service providers shall provide you with a free API for integrating your software.

●    You shall only need to pay for the SMS credits

●    Additional features like: IP authentication for determining whitelist /blacklist server IP can be activated.

●    Readily available push delivery reports.

Why choose Weblogixinfotech for providing you with Transactional SMS service?

We are amongst the best Transactional SMS service providers in Delhi/NCR as we can provide you with that extra leverage in the manner your clients interact with your business. Our services are always user-friendly in nature and have fully integrated API without any additional cost

●    We have been instrumental in helping our clients send out transactional/ informational messages in the public domain to their customers/ clients/ users and subscribers.

●    High volume push capability of our platforms.

●    SMS delivery within seconds due to direct connectivity with various operators across India.

●    You can schedule SMS for future at time convenient to you.

●    Group messaging feature is available.

●    User friendly SMS portal with HTTP API

●    Multiple routes of message delivery for best results.

●    The transactional SMS solutions that we provide you with are quick, simple and convenient

●    Transactional SMS API can be used for integrating your current software systems to send SMS.

●    We provide you with industry focused solutions for banks, retail, healthcare, startups, education, marketing etc.

●    Rely upon us for: accurate and regular reporting, analytics, quick delivery, precise targeting of audience and smart integration solutions.

●    24 into 7 supports from our team.

We are committed to becoming the most efficient Bulk transactional SMS service providers in India and serve our clients sincerely. Call us now for any quotes and discussions.