What is content writing?

Content writing can be defined as a form of writing online that’s linked very closely with website marketing campaigns. This signifies developing content that appears on the websites which are designed for selling or promoting a particular product. The content writers always work as per the brief offered by the client. This brief would define their job as well as SEO related needs like density of the keyword. The task of a content writer is turning the brief into finished product that becomes a part of the targeted webpage. Content is different from conventional copywriting or journalism. It’s designed for achieving the prominence on the internet and should be tailored for this aim only.  

About content writing

Content writing is always related to the Search Engine Marketing campaigns. It involves content creation which is focussed and includes the set of phrases or keywords which have been devised by the marketers. Good quality content helps in ensuring that the set of keywords appear in right density. The text is also written fluently, clearly and is capable of promoting the products being described. 

The quality of content developed also should be good in quality. Poor quality of content might not be able to achieve a good ranking in the search engines. This means that the webpages wouldn’t be read by a lot of potent customers. The skills needed to be a content writer are varied. 

Qualities of efficient content writers

The content writers should have a set of skills for being successful.

1.    Successful writers need to master varied writing style

The main reason is that every writing form has its own style of writing. News is transmitted in short, AP style. Blogging is more personal, user friendly and it’s often opinionated. An advertisement coy is persuasive as well as short. White paper is very long; it describes an issue and offers a solution. But, irrespective of everything else, every category has content and every style writer master makes it more useful and valuable. 

2.    Successfusl content writer does not pick any subject available

“Ideation” is a buzzword in the marketing industry which describes the extremely creative procedure of looking for a title, subject as well as angle for writing about and the ideation begins with the analytics. Most of the ideation is conducted in team setting. It is very important for you to know about the professionalism the marketing team is. The content writer should:

·    Understand the audience- the marketers call this as developing a “Buyer’s persona.” In case you know who your audience is, you will be able to write what exactly they wish to read. You develop content for your audience. It is not meant for the company, for the brand or for yourself. 

·    Check for competition- it is very important to check what type of content others in the same industry are providing. A competitive audit of content would offer you a lot of information. Not only about what the competitors are developing, but who’s linking to the content they are developing, blogging for it, tweeting it and also if it is being posted somewhere else. 

·    Develop a catchy title- once you have keyword, the knowledge of the reader and competitor, spend some time in choosing the subject and prepare a title which would attract the readers. The title compels the audience to read. The most significant words on the post are title as well as Meta description. 

3.    Successful writer is original

Every post which has the writer’s name mentioned on it needs to be original. This might sound to be a little crazy, but with all the people taking up the same subject, it is easier than it sounds. Each and every talented content writer would bring a different voice, a different perspective or a new light to the overworked subject. 

4.    Successful content writes knows HTML, SEO, WordPress and CSS

No need to panic. You just need some basics. WordPress theme has varying stages of automated functions and the single way of making the text look the way want it to appear is to deeply dig into the HTML/Text tab and then manipulate the codes for making title tags or fixing the issue of spacing. It is worth the time for learning basics. 
5.    Updated SEO knowledge
Updated SEO knowledge is also very crucial. The algorithms of the search engines keep changing and the writers need to keep up with it. One thing which remains constant is that good quality content is always demanded for. In case you are able to write in depth content from unique perspective, you would be great demand. 

Why should you hire us?

 We are successful content writers as well as social media specialists

We understand that name recognition is most important. Social media brings everything you require within your reach. So build your readers, meet the publishers and speak to the industry experts. While your content has been published, it is just the beginning. As much as you would be active on the social media, it is more likely that your followers would recommend your writing. Thus, we make sure that our content writers are friendly, public as well as active.

We understand that for being successful on internet, there are certain key elements which need to be accomplished

Design- you will get a professionally designed website which would be engaging and attractive and will also be very easy to be navigated. It would help you in gaining the interest and attention of the visitors. A good usage of the images is very important and use of the action shots of your website with the clients.

Content- we would develop a website which would focus on the interests of the visitors. It would address the questions of what is in it for the visitors and the ways of improving their lives and businesses. For accomplishing this, we would develop strong content in the form of services, intellectual property, products, etc. 

- Strategy as well as tactics- we would state what exactly your business needs to look like, the best way of positioning it on the internet and the internet components which are crucial for making a business successful. 

So give us an opportunity to serve your business and make it successful.